
Mini drill from a conventional screwdriver

There is no way to buy a complete drilling machine for the workshop? No problem! It can be made from an ordinary screwdriver. Of course, this home-made functional will turn out to be a bit truncated, compared to a factory drilling machine. However, it will be possible to drill small holes in wood and metal exactly vertically.

An unusual idea with a roller and a plastic bottle.

When painting a fence, poles or wall of a house on the street (especially in windy weather), dust, debris and foreign objects often get into the paint tray. However, this problem can be solved by using a tube to connect the roller and the sealed container with paint or varnish with each other. In addition, you do not have to bend down every time you need another "portion" of paint.

DIY bottle cutter

Homemade devices that are used to cut bottles, as well as other glass containers and vessels, are most often made on the basis of a conventional glass cutter. However, such devices are quite primitive and do not always cope with the task assigned to them. A more "advanced" version of the bottle cutter works a little differently - it cuts glass by heating with a hot nichrome thread.

Posistor and thermistor, what is the difference?

Posistor A posistor (PTC thermistor) is an electronic component that has a positive resistance coefficient and has a dual function: a heater and a temperature sensor. When high voltage or current is applied, the electronic component heats up. The higher the temperature, the more its internal resistance increases, which means less current will flow through the element.

Decoupage wooden box

Hello dear needlewomen and hand-made lovers! I present to you a workshop on decorating a drawer. Decorate an ordinary wooden box made of plywood (8 mm) using the decoupage technique in the style of shabby chic. To do this, we need: a wooden blank, a napkin, artistic acrylic primer, acrylic paints for creativity (white, ivory, green (green foliage), bitumen, stationery glue PVA (or acrylic varnish), paraffin candle, varnish for one-step craquelure, acrylic varnish for the finish coating of the product, brushes, foam sponges, sandpaper.

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Hello, dear visitors of the site. The new 2017 year is approaching, the patron of which according to the Eastern calendar is Chicken. Preparing to meet this holiday, you can buy or sew a soft toy in the form of this bird. We made two such toy chickens: To make these toys, we needed: a yellow fabric (from viscose), a white fabric (not crumbling after cutting), yellow and white threads with a needle, scissors, a cardboard sample, a filler (cotton or synthetic winterizer) ), four medium brown beads, cardboard sheets of red and yellow paper, adhesive tape, tweezers and sewing needles for stabbing.

Bill pig

We are all used to the fact that piggy banks are depicted in the form of piggy banks, into which money is scrupulously stacked. If you want to accumulate a certain amount for the purchase of the thing you need, then the piggy bank will certainly help. But you have to wait. In the same lesson, a slightly different option is proposed. We suggest you make money out of money.

New shelf from an old box

It happens on the farm, well, it is simply necessary, a new shelf. However, this is not cheap and, as a rule, the purchase is postponed indefinitely. What to do? I think in this case our imagination and ... old vegetable box will come in handy. Do not be surprised, because the fashionable global tendency to give old and, at first glance, unnecessary things, a second life will come in handy in our case.

Watch ITV-4

I want to share with you the performance of watches on the IV-9 lamps in the unit from the TU-154 aircraft. On the case there is an inscription ITV-4, apparently this unit is called that! In their native place, this was a watch made on rigid logic. The person who ordered the alteration from me wanted to use them as a desktop accessory that would show the time and temperature, depending on the mode.

Homemade bench vice for working with wood

In the process of manufacturing various products or processing wood blanks, it is necessary to organize a convenient workplace. A loyal assistant in the home workshop for each joiner is a bench vise for working with wood. Moreover, home-made vices are quite versatile - for example, they can be used to fix small bench vices.

How to clean a very dirty skillet without too much effort

On the Internet there are many different tips on this topic, some of them are quite effective, others cause a smile with their naivety. But all methods require prolonged cooking of dishes in a large capacity - the kitchen is filled with a very unpleasant odor that can spread throughout all rooms. We offer a very simple and "clean" method for cleaning the dirty surface of old pans.

Homemade circular saw for cutting plastic and wood

To make a mini circular saw, which is useful in the home workshop (for example, for sawing small parts and blanks from plastic, wood or plywood), you can do with improvised materials. You will need to buy only an electric motor and the saw blade itself. For the manufacture of the remaining structural elements, you can use ordinary cutting boards made of plastic, a wooden block for the handle and an aluminum corner.

Cool table made of old boards do it yourself

In any carpentry workshop, there will almost always be old boards and unnecessary scraps that are suitable only for kindling. However, even from the materials of the "third grade" you can make a cool little table for your home or summer house. The very design of the table is very simple - everyone can repeat.

Oatmeal pancakes with apples

Do you like unusual and light dishes? Try making oatmeal pancakes with apple slices! This light dish is perfect for breakfast or afternoon snack, and its unusual appearance will give a normal meal a pleasant variety! You will need: 80 grams of oatmeal 1-2 green apples 1 yolk 2 protein 5 tablespoons of flour 2 tablespoons of sugar So, first cook the oatmeal on the water.

Vintage letter

An old-style letter is a great way to please your soul mate, because it combines an elegant and unusual appearance with touching and sincere words coming from the heart. To create such a letter we will need: a sheet of white paper, a pen, black ink, a lighter, instant coffee and a ribbon.

How to make a large pan from a disc harrow

You can make a large frying pan out of the old tractor disc harrow - a great idea for those who like to cook in the fresh air. The disc harrow has a convex shape - this is, in fact, a finished frying pan, you only need to modify it a bit to make it more presentable. Please note that from the disc harrow you can make large pans, different in shape.

Barbecue in the oven

If you want a flavorful barbecue, it is not necessary to go to nature. There is a unique proven recipe on how to cook barbecue in the oven, without leaving home. The dish will be excellent. True, the meat will not smell like a bonfire. But everything is fixable, if you really want to. Enough to get a liquid haze.