Pet tent


It's no secret that all cats have a habit of hiding in the most secluded corners of the apartment. Sometimes such hide and seek games can cause a lot of trouble to the owners, because their pet can start to bite the wires or just get stuck in one of these places. To avoid such a problem, it is necessary to provide the animal with its own quiet and calm corner. Such a tent is ideal for this purpose. In it, the animal will feel secluded and protected. By the way, in such a house you can put not only a cat, but also a ferret or a small dog.
For the manufacture you will need the simplest materials that can easily be found at home or in the garage:
- cardboard for the base (a shoe box is suitable; the size depends on the size of the pet);
- thick wire (you can take the old coat hanger for clothes and straighten them);
- T-shirt (the size also depends on the pet);
- paper and ordinary tape;
- scissors;
- thread and needle;

First of all, we will make the frame. To do this, take two pieces of wire (40-50 cm each) and bend them with an arc. If the wire is thin, take it twice as much and twist in half as follows:

Then wrap the wire with paper tape, this will help make it more durable. Wrap the ends carefully so that the animal is not injured.

Now we cross the finished arcs and fix in the middle with any tape.

Preparing the base of the tent. To do this, you can take a flat piece of durable cardboard or a shoe box. The latter can not be cut completely, but leave the side parts, this will make the frame stronger.

Cut small holes in the corners with scissors.

We insert the upper part of the frame into them and bend the ends.

We carefully fix them with tape, making sure that the sharp edges do not peek out. You can also fix each arc near the side of the box.

We get the base of our tent. Its size depends entirely on your desire and the size of the pet.

Now prepare the t-shirt. Fold the sleeves together as follows and fasten them:

You can try pulling the t-shirt on the frame to check if it is voluminous enough. Adjust the distance between the sleeves, and then sew them together.

Another option is to leave the sleeves on the sides so that the pet can play with them or use as a tunnel. If the shirt is too long, cut off the excess. From it, you can later sew a small pillow and put it inside the house.

Now gently pull the shirt on the frame. The collar will serve as an entrance. Position it at a level so that it is comfortable for the animal to climb inside, but the feeling of privacy remained. Finish the work by arbitrarily securing the t-shirt at the back. You can simply pull it off and tie it into a knot, or carefully sew the edges together. It should not be stretched too tight so as not to deform the frame.

Put inside the soft base and the tent house for your pet is ready!


Watch the video: DIY PUPPY PET TENT. THE SORRY GIRLS (October 2024).