Easter basket from improvised materials


In anticipation of a bright spring Easter holiday, we will prepare gifts and souvenirs. For example, try to make a stand for an Easter egg with our own hands.
Of course, masters traditionally use willow twigs, bark, straw, stems to weave baskets. Cardboard and knitted baskets of modern needlewomen will not surprise you either. However, neither my daughter nor I know how to knit or weave, so we will have to resort to a simpler way of making Easter crafts. Create such a stand for all comers.

For work, we prepare:
- plastic bottle
- tissue flap
- PVA glue
- lace tape
- scissors.
In the process, it became clear that we can not do without threads with a needle.

We cut the base of the basket out of a 0.33 liter plastic bottle. The depth of the resulting glass is about 5 cm. For pens, leave strips up to 10 cm long and 1 cm wide. Next, make cuts along the edges of the glass and bend them to the outside. To make the basket safe, remove the sharp edges of the walls with scissors.

Now let’s get a cotton cloth. Look at what an elegant pattern is depicted on the fabric. Yes, ahead of spring, sun, holidays! From the flap we cut a rectangle equal to the height and perimeter of the circumference of the basket. To calculate the indicated dimensions, you can use a ruler and a mathematical formula, but we just attach the fabric to the plastic base and decide on the right parameters.
Next, grease the plastic with glue and apply a cotton rectangle.

It is noteworthy that there are no traces of PVA on the craft.
We need these two strips to decorate the handle of the Easter basket. Lubricate the plastic on both sides with glue, and then in a spiral we wind patterned strips on it. Extra centimeters of fabric are removed with scissors.

While the PVA dries, take out the lace ribbon. Snow-white thread is decorated with a narrow satin strip. On the one hand, lace looks incredibly simple, and on the other, it is amazingly elegant. With this snow-white ribbon, we will decorate the lower and upper part of the basket.

If in the first case it is enough to cut a piece of lace and with the help of PVA attach it around the perimeter of the basket, then you will need to use a needle and thread to decorate the top.
We collect the tape in folds, periodically applying the finished frill to the bent walls of the basket. When enough folds are gathered, make a knot, cut the lace and thread.
Lubricate the PVA plastic and glue the frill.

On this craft could be finished. However, I wanted to lay a basket. From the fabric we cut a circle, the edges of which on the reverse side we catch with a thread.

Stele a napkin inside the basket. Now we get the chocolate adored by the children with a surprise and place it in the Easter basket.

While we hide the craft away from the household. And for the holiday, be sure to put dye in the basket and present it to the addressees.


Watch the video: Мастер-Класс. Корзинка из шпагата джута и бросового материала. Подарок на пасху своими руками. (October 2024).