How to breathe new life into old wallpapers


Most people are not able to make repairs as often as they would like. The reasons for this are a modest budget, lack of free time, and more often both at the same time. Know: any problem can be solved, the main thing is to have a desire and a little imagination. If your eye is boring with old boring wallpapers, devoid of past beauty and freshness, this workshop is for you.
This option of decorating the walls does not require the performer to possess special skills in the field of construction and repair, it is simple and, most importantly, does not require large expenses, that is, it is economical. Moreover, all the necessary materials can be found in a simple manufactured goods store, and silhouette pictures can be downloaded on the Internet.
Choose a plain wallpaper (1 tube) without a printed pattern. The tone should go well with the primary color of the walls. In our master class it will be white wallpapers. Next, we arm ourselves with glue (you will need wallpaper or PVA, as well as glue stick). Visit the department with paints and brushes. Get black mascara and two brushes of different sizes (thin and thick). Instead of mascara, you can use ordinary gouache, but then the color will turn out not so saturated. The rest - a pencil, ruler, scissors and a glass for water - can be found in every home.

Let's start making the basics from the wallpaper selected in the store. Using a ruler and a pencil, draw triangles of different lengths, sizes and shapes. Cut out with scissors or a knife for cutting paper, leave it under the press for a while to allow the surface to straighten. Next, selectively apply abstract ink drawings on some of the figures that have a small volume.

We are preparing a preliminary sketch on which we display what location our triangles should occupy on the wall. We take as a basis a curved line on which we are stringing the figures. We lay them on the floor in a pre-selected order, then paste them on the wall. To prevent the appearance of bubbles, smooth the triangles with a cloth. We leave for a day, making sure that there is no draft in the room.

Having finished with triangles, we begin to make pictures for our new walls.
This stage of work will require perseverance and the ability to find material on the Internet. It is necessary to choose silhouette pictures, in our case it was the theme "Dancing People". The selected drawings are placed in a Word document and we make the necessary adjustments (the size of the picture for the entire A4 sheet format, dimming, contours). The result should be a clear, maximally saturated dark silhouette.
Ready-made pictures are sent for printing, cut and stretched with black ink. We perform this operation twice.

We attach silhouette pictures with glue stick to our line of triangles. We monitor their uniform distribution. If you are afraid to spoil the work, it is recommended that you "make a fitting" first, fixing the drawings with double-sided tape. And - voila! - you have a new repair. The room looks completely different, and at the same time you spent quite a bit of time and money.


Watch the video: How to Make or Recover a Lamp Shade : Interior Design 101 (October 2024).