How to make a DIY broiler for chicken


When raising chickens in artificial conditions, it is extremely important to ensure optimal conditions for them immediately after they are born.

To do this, the first time, and then, when they grow up a little, the author recommends keeping the young in a brooder.

The brooder itself can be made from chipboard. This is the most popular and waste material that can be found without problems. But you can use plywood.

Design features

The outer size of the brooder in this case is 85 * 55 cm. Inside, the width is 80 cm.

It was of this width that the author had an infrared film for the "warm floor" system at the time of the manufacture of the brooder.

The author installed in the brooder the usual sliding glass doors (can be removed from old furniture).

As the young growth grows, instead of glass, the author installs lattice doors - for greater air access inside the brooder.

Brooder heating and lighting

The temperature regulator W 1209 is responsible for the temperature regime. It is necessary to use it with a separate power supply unit, because with constant voltage drops you will not achieve correct operation.

For heating, an infrared film "warm floor" is used, which is fixed over the entire area of ​​the ceiling using brackets (it is shot with a stapler).

Under the infrared film is a heater with foil. The foil is laid face down inside the brooder.

For lighting, a 0.5 W green LED lamp is used. Green is the color of nature, which has a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane of the eyes.

In addition, dim light does not lead to stress and increased aggression.

What is the floor inside the brooder

As a floor, the author recommends using a metal mesh with a mesh size of 10x10 mm with a bar thickness of 2 mm (cold galvanizing).

Waste of chickens live in a pallet made of 6 mm plywood glued with ordinary tape. On top of the plywood is a newspaper. But if possible it is better to use a metal pallet.

Moreover, the author recommends that instead of one large pallet of 80x50 cm, it is better to make two with dimensions: 40x50 mm. This will simplify brooder maintenance.

The height of the "room" in the brooder

The height inside the brooder will directly depend on the height of the drinker used.

However, it is better not to make the "room" very high so as not to increase heat loss. In this case, the author recommends a height of 25 cm. This is optimal for chickens.

For more information on how to make a chicken brooder with your own hands, see the video.


Watch the video: EASY DIY Trough Style Chicken Feeder. Great for Broilers, Meat Chickens & Meat birds!! (October 2024).