In this review, the author shares a simple idea on how to independently make a sting-tip for a household electric soldering iron. Why is this even necessary? For example, it can be used for soldering and repairing plastic parts.
As a result, in just half an hour you can make an additional nozzle for a soldering iron, which can be useful at home.
However, note that the repair method using the mesh is better to use on ABS plastic (this technology does not work or works poorly on PP plastic). However, if you have such a desire, you can experiment yourself.
The main stages of work
To make a blade tip, you will need a copper bar with a diameter of about 8-10 mm. The edge of the workpiece must be flattened with a hammer, giving it the shape of a rounded scapula.
Then you need to grind the shank of a homemade sting to the required diameter. As a template that you can follow, the author uses his own soldering iron tip.
Sharpening the shank to the desired diameter is very simple - you just need to hold the bar in the screwdriver's chuck and remove excess metal with a file.
Then you need to bend the shank slightly and trim the blade so that the outer contour is of the correct shape. After that, insert the homemade nozzle into the soldering iron, and you can work.
For details on how to make a do-it-yourself sting on a soldering iron for soldering plastic, we recommend that you look in the video on our website.