Pizza on the loaf


A pizza recipe on a loaf is a real find in the case when you want to cook a tasty, satisfying dish in the shortest possible time. For example, unexpected guests came. You can cook such pizza for breakfast if you have only a little bit left from the dinner: a little sausage or meat, a slice of cheese, half a tomato, dried bread. From this "a little bit" will be a favorite dish for children and adults.
For pizza on a loaf you will need:
4-5 slices of loaf (the amount depends on the diameter of the pan);
eggs (a pair of eggs is enough for a small frying pan, at least four for dishes with a large bottom diameter);
25-50 ml of milk;
sausage, meat, mushrooms (products and their quantity arbitrarily);
100-150 g of hard or processed cheese;
fresh or dried tomato;
onions and carrots for overcooking;
vegetable oil.
Pizza making:
1. Prepare the "stuffing" for pizza. To do this, cut into pieces sausage, mushrooms or meat. If there is a bit of everything available, we make assorted products from these products.

2. Fry the onion. You can add carrots, tomatoes to the onion.

3. Combine vegetables, mushrooms, meat and sausage and transfer this mass to a cup. Cut the loaf into slices.

4. Lightly toast bread on one side and turn over. We fill all the voids between the loaf slices with small pieces of bread.

5. Beat the eggs with milk.

6. Put the filling on the “cake” from the loaf and evenly pour it with beaten eggs.

7. Sprinkle pizza with grated cheese, cover the pan with a lid. Reduce the fire to a minimum. Cooking time about 10 minutes (be guided by the readiness of egg filling).

Pizza is ready. Checked: delicious!


Watch the video: How to make pizza with a loaf of bread. (October 2024).