Wall-mounted sliding cabinet for tools


In small workshops and utility rooms there is very little free space, so it is not practical to use racks with shelves and floor cabinets for storing hand tools. In order to save useful floor space, you can make a compact, but at the same time quite roomy hanging cabinet with sliding and hinged doors.

To do this, you will need boards, wooden blocks, pieces of plywood and fiberboard, as well as guides, double and ordinary hinges and fasteners. It is advisable to use a circular saw for sawing wooden workpieces, however, if there are no circulars in the workshop, you can do with a hand-held power tool.

The main stages of work

From two long and four short wooden blocks it is necessary to make the main frame, which will be attached to the wall. Sheathe the frame with a plywood sheet 10-12 mm thick. Then we fix the side walls of the board, in which you need to pre-make the grooves for installing horizontal shelves.

Next, we fasten two vertical posts to the screws, which will divide the interior of the cabinet into three main sections. We fasten wooden guides for small drawers to the lower shelf. After that, we proceed to the manufacture of three swing and two sliding doors.

Door manufacture and fastening

We cut the boards into the bars of the required size, glue the rectangular frames and sheathe them with perforated fiberboard sheets. We fix one swing door on ordinary hinges, and the rest on special double hinges, which allow you to open the doors to different depths. It is very convenient in terms of saving space.

At the last stage of work, we install metal guides for sliding cabinet doors. Doors and shelves can be painted with paint or varnished (you can even process it with ordinary mineral impregnation). For a detailed assembly process for the hanging cabinet for storing hand tools, see this video.


Watch the video: Sliding Door Tool Cabinet (October 2024).